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instagram marketing

Keys to Get Visibility on Instagram

Instagram is definitely the simplest and most enjoyable way of sharing and marketing your business. It is a remarkable tool that greatly helps in building your brand, creating an online presence, and getting recognized. I’d say Set up your Instagram today and start building your business.
But the question is HOW?

How can one optimize the Instagram channel if they are not a big name brand like Kylie Jenner, Shake Shack, or Airbnb? It is challenging for the brands to get celebrity-like attention since Instagram is growing explosively.

But what am I here for?

To make it easy for you guys!

Go through the keys I have written and rock your feeds. Don’t take it easy but.

A random key: Success on Instagram requires more than random photos, quick filters, a few hashtags, and an emoji or two. Let’s go down to the 5 keys;

1- Name Games:

Gone are the AOL days when it was cool to be mysterious or creative with your name. Let’s say; cool guy, pretty gal whatsoever.

Today its mission-critical to use your actual personal or business brand name.

Your username is one of the few searchable items on Instagram. So be careful with that to generate classic publicity.

2- Profile:

The first thing that gets noticed first and attracts traffic towards your page, it’s profile You want brand recognition right? This is where you want to use a very recognizable image visually representing your brand. Usually, Logos are best for a business brand’s profile image, logo should be cleared pixel. It will pop up the Instagram feed if a business/ person take a horizontal logo and convert it into a social media-friendly version. GAME CHANGER!!

3- Instagram Stories and Highlights- How To Create It?

-Tell a story

-Embrace interactivity

-make it personal

-call to action

-Keep consistency

After creating stories, to avoid sharing the same information over again, keep them safe with highlights naming it accordingly. These days instead of being creative with the names, be artistic with the highlights yes it attracts the audience. By keeping the same cover theme.

How does it help?

Gives your brand more visibility by using Stories and adding location or hashtag, these can help you to appear on exploring.

Highlights help new traffic to know more about your brand/you, instead of introducing your brand and make the existed audience bored.

4- Buyer Personas Swipe Right

Marketing savvy brands are “Virtual BFFs” with their audience. They know their favorite haunts, likes, hates, styles, and even the best times they are hanging out on Instagram.

Smart brands are feeding each buyer persona the doses of addictive content they are craving for when they need it most.

The romancing never stops.

Your buyer personas are loved, cherished, and swooned with the content they gave you at the first like and when they committed with the following.

A well thought out group of buyer personas is the first step in optimizing any social network including Instagram. This results in the difference between you having to find your audience and your audience finding you.

“Buyer personas are a critical step in reaching your audience through social media,” said best selling author David Meerman, Scott. “This is often a skipped step by brands rushing to get quick results and not taking time to research and develop the needs and wants of the audience.”

5- IGTV:

What is the IGTV Video? IGTV video is an app that can be used alone or in tandem with Instagram. It’s essentially Instagram’s answer to YouTube in that it’s designed for the mobile-optimized viewing of long-form videos. Any user can set up their own channel and share video content that’s up to an hour-long. It helps in;

I- Boosts Visibility of Products and Services

IGTV offers more opportunities to generate additional user traffic and therefore boosting the visibility of your products and services. Studies have also shown that online video viewership is steadily increasing, with a projected number surpassing 236 million in 2020 — this means that IGTV can go a long way in helping businesses extend their social media and video marketing effort and reach.

II- Opportunity to Effectively Educate and Entertain Audiences;

IGTV allows you to better market your products by creating videos showcasing how to use them, how these can be incorporated into their lives, and how these products made a difference to some of your happy customers. You can also post explainer videos to introduce your business, launch new products, or share the story of your brand.

III- Generates More Opportunities for Engagement and Conversions

IV- Provides More Opportunities for Community Building

5- Link Love

First comes like, then comes link love. Unlike most other social networks, links are limited on Instagram. Rather than insert the obvious home page link to your website or blog to your bio, optimize your user experience and offer a link that leads to something of value to your audience.

To conclude; Boosting your brand on Instagram to superstardom status isn’t impossible. Today, it just takes more of a strategic focus on optimization to rise to the top. Instagram marketing in Dubai is done by onlinemarketing.ae as well.

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